An exciting trend in education today is presented by BCcampus OpenED.  My employment with College of the Rockies is twofold.  First, I work with Adult re-employment programs, and second, I am an auxiliary instructor for our Adult Basic Education (UACE-uprgrading for academic and career entry) program.  Adult students striving to either complete their high school education or upgrading have experienced fluctuating trends in costs.  For 10 years the programming was at little or no cost to the student.  A couple of years ago the provincial government decided to create a cost recovery system and thus passing on the cost of the courses directly to the student.  Grant money was available for those who met the financial criteria.  However, this became a barrier for the students that were not eligible for grants and would be a financial hardship to enroll in a course.  Our college held out for as long as they could.  Finally, having to follow suit with the other colleges.  Fortunately the decision was reversed 2 years later and the courses are now back to little or no cost to the students.  It is taking a long time to get the word out that the process has tell all your friends!!!

In the aspect of reducing costs and increasing accessibility for students, BCcampus Open Education is contributing to the development of an open future for teaching practices and educational resources.

Check out the link above and look out for more posts on this subject from me in the coming days.



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